Tuesday 18 April 2017

Updates April

Just a short post to say that Warrior: Rage of the Bloodsworn, my first straight fantasy novel, is finished. It came in at a monstrous 232,000 words, by far the longest book I've ever written. My task now is to figure out whether to publish it as a single story or split it into serial sections. My gut wants to go with the first, more traditional option, but my head is telling me otherwise. Mulling it over right now ...

Now that Warrior is on the backburner, I've switched focus back to my YA fantasy series, Endinfinium. The first two books, The School at the End of the World and The Bay of Paper Dragons are finished, so I'll be giving them a thorough working over then publishing them hopefully within a couple of months.

In the meantime, if you're interested, you can download a sample of it right here. You'll need to sign up to the Mailing List if you haven't already, but that's good because then you'll know as soo as the full book is available.

Happy reading!

Chris Ward
April 19th 2017